Introduction to
Fairglow's technology

Introduction to

Introduction to
Fairglow's technology


The average cosmetic product formulation has over 20 ingredients, each with their own life cycle to account for.

Most environmental services companies ask for precise formulations and lack critical emissions factors for key ingredients when giving a product footprint.

Fairglow leverages a massive database of cosmetic products to algorithmically estimate your product’s formulation. Get an accurate carbon footprint, while keeping your formula secret.


Knowing your packaging’s impact is not a trivial task.

There are hundreds of different types of packaging materials that can be combined in a near infinite number of permutations.

If you know your product’s packaging materials, Fairglow can calculate their precise impacts. If you don’t know your packaging materials, Fairglow can estimate the most likely packaging system for your product’s environmental footprint.


The processes for mixing, agitating, heating, distilling and purifying your cosmetic products are numerous and complex.

Fairglow analyzes your product’s ingredients to know which manufacturing processes were necessary to create it.

By understanding the chemistry, manufacturing processes and equipment necessary to produce cosmetics, we avoid needing to ask brands complicated questions about their products, and can provide quick and accurate results.


Most cosmetic brands have raw materials providers, production facilities, distribution centers and retail shops scattered all over the world.

If a brand knows the addresses of these entities, we calculate the exact distances travelled with the expected transportation method.

If not, we have industry averages for each leg of the product’s journey.


The use phase is extremely difficult to calculate because it is almost completely out of the brand or retailer’s hands.

We use the chemistry of the product to understand the usage pattern, and the end buyers geography to calculate the likely emissions over the lifespan of the product.


The bottle being empty doesn’t mean the life-cycle of your product is over.

Disposal, recycling and even wastewater treatment must be accounted for to adequately assess your product’s footprint.

We use our knowledge of your product’s chemical makeup and geography specific process data to understand the impact of your product’s end of life.